About Us

Cambrian Hall Alumni Association
  • To maintain the relationship of alumni to Cambrian Hall and to each other through written and other communications, and social, academic and other events
  • To render aid and cooperation to the School in order to facilitate academic and extracurricular programs and other student activities
  • To award scholarships and other grants to deserving students of the School
  • To raise funds by dues, contributions, events and otherwise, in order to support those activities which result in the furtherance of the above

Our Managing committee

President Mr. Rajiv Jindal
Vice President Ms. Shabnam Anand Singh
Secretary Mr. Vijeet Kumar Singh Tomar
Joint Secretary Mr. Rajendra Singh Negi
Mr. Shishir Gupta
Joint Treasurer Mr. Mayank Kumar Aggarwal
Executive Member Air Marshal Ravi Kant Sharma
Executive Member Mr. Ashish Garg
Executive Member Ms. Shruti Dhawan
Executive Member Mr. Sachin Bajpai
Nominated Member Col. Deep Rana
Nominated Member Mr. Gaurav Agarwal
Nominated Member Mr. Avinash Rahul
Nominated Member Mr. P. K. Singh
Nominated Member Mr. Kulwant Singh
Nominated Member Mr. Hemant Kochar

Our previous presidents

Mr. Manmohan Sahni
2016 – 2018

Mr. Hemant Kochar
2018 – 2022

Constitution of CHAA

The Cambrian Hall Alumni Association works under the Rules & Regulations agreed and accepted during its formation